Post by MaryAnn Layton on Apr 26, 2010 8:01:29 GMT -5
Norma sent this list of very funny things we think and do because we're Michael-obsessed, but then, it's the ONLY way to be! The first list is from Norma, and the rest are from an MJ fan group like ours.
Take the time to read them and remember to LAUGH OUT LOUD! It will make you feel SO MUCH BETTER!
From Norma:
I contributed some...don't know if she will use them...
You know you're obsessed w/ Michael Jackson when...
-you haven't cleaned your house in 10 months because you can't pull yourself away from all things Michael...
-when... you clean out your closet and drawers to give to charity and Mike whispers in your ear...GIVE MORE... and you end up going buck nekked ...
-when... you can name his song after just ONE line ...
-when... Michaeling should be put in the dictionary...
-when... You sing one of his songs at the top of your lungs and you don't have any rythem what so ever...
-when you date a guy just because his name is Mike
-and when... you have over 500 pictures on your screensaver and you sit and just stare at them as they come up... even tho you have seen them a 100 times... I miss him
This is Mal's contribution...
- when you always pick the MJ character when playing Wii
1.) You join a million groups like this
2.) You shriek whenever you meet another fan.
3.) Another celeb is wearing an outfit, you think about how MJ would look ten times more fierce in it.
4.) You can't listen to anyone else because it just sounds worse
5.) You spend your time talking online to other fans instead of your real life, non-fan friends
6.) You grab any newspaper/magazine that has his face on the cover
7.) Try to sneak him into every conversation topic your having with someone
8.) Stay up till 12am, even though you have a job/school watching Michael Jackson on youtube.
9.) You rewind to the parts in his videos where he smiles and watch it again...and again...and again.
10.) You listen to the beginning of IJCSLY over and over and pretend he's whispering in your ear
11.) You know what IJCSLY stands for
12.) Went into a sorta semi-depression when he died
13.) You love all his cheesy outfits in the early days,even though they'd look horrible on anyone else
14.) You named your baby boy Michael (Or is planning to)
15.) Because you didn't have a boy, you named your baby girl Michael. (She won't be happy when she grows up.)
16.) You annoy the heck out of your boyfriend/husband because you keep going on about how amazing and hot MJ is
17.) You TRY to copy his dance moves
18.) Even if you can't dance
19.) You call your radio station a million times to request Michael Jackson songs
20.) You've listened to EVERY album at least a million times
21.) You find yourself gazing into his eyes...on the poster in your bedroom
22.) You make a mini shrine of MJ
23.) You spaz on anyone who says anything negative about him, then launch into a gigantic rant with EVERY FACT that ever existed
24.) You try and force your friends to become obsessed with Michael Jackson
25.) He is your ideal boyfriend
26.) You pray to Michael.
27.) You & your MJ family have your own special lingo that only you understand;
"Golden Glory"
"MJ Sister"
"Tag Me"
"Keep Michaeling"
"MJ Dreaming"
(I especially thank Nicole Charrison for this one. I ROFLed)
28.) Everytime you go to the store your eyes are looking around frantically for Michael merchandise. (By Tina Pyt Greaves)
29.) Your computer crashed with 10 gigabytes worth of Michael pictures and videos
30.) Instead of writing History,you write HIStory.
31.) You know every hee-hee and every pow and shamone's in every song.
32.) You have spent your weekend on YouTube watching those adorable Michael Moments
33.) 99% of your 86 notifications include, ______ has commented on a photo of you, you check the comment and it's of an MJ pic.
34.) You basically only have Twitter/Facebook to promote Michael Jackson
35.) You talk to the Michael posters in your room
36.) You know which album every song comes from, what year it came out, the awards it's won and EVERY WORD of the songs.
37.) Your heart skips a beat every time you see the word "Michael"
38.) You may also faint
39.) Or shriek very loudly
40.) Your worst enemy becomes a Michael fan. All of a sudden, you're best friends.
41.) You fell into a trance, listening to Planet Earth.
42.) You bought the This is It CD, even if it's just a bunch of songs on CDs you already own.
43.) You preach to others about the wonderfulness of MJ.
44.) Even if they're strangers.
45.) You swooned looking at GOLD PANTS.
46.) You swooned talking about GOLD PANTS.
47.) Your friend stubs her toe, shrieking OWWW. You add the "hee-hee" before you ask her if she's okay.
48.) You have moonwalked around the house.
49.) You have tripped or fallen over something while moonwalking around the house.
50.) You scoff at the MJ imitators because you know there can never be the same angel again.
51.) You drew numerous pictures of MJ
52.) Even though you can't draw
53.) For class, you were asked to research an important figure in history, you picked Michael Jackson.
54.) And even though the minimum amount was 2 pages, you presented your teacher with a novel.
55.) You curled your hair
56.) Then decided you looked lame because no one can defeat Michael's hair.
57.) You have framed pictures of Michael.
58.) You have wall murals of Michael.
59.) You wanted to steal the cardboard cutout of Michael that sits in movie theater lobbies for This is It.
60.) You HAVE stolen the cardboard cutout of Michael from your local movie theater lobby.
61.) You became jealous of Lisa Marie Presley.
62.) Or Debbie Rowe.
63.) You know that Michael does not, in fact, stuff socks in his pants.
64.) You celebrate his birthday...EVERY MONTH.
65.) Your parties have been MJ themed.
66.) You know how to do the Thriller dance.
67.) You now associate water balloons and super soakers with Michael.
68.) You laughed at the DWTS dance tribute because they just can't pull a Michael.
69.) You understand that Michael, and only Michael, can look ridiculously hot doing the crotch grab.
70.) and everyone else just looks silly.
71.) You're ready to stand beside Michael, no matter how much your friends and others laugh at you.
72.) You wonder why Michael Jackson isn't trending on Twitter.
73.) Then you try to trend it.
74.) Your day became bright and cheerful when Michael Jackson played on the radio first thing in the morning.
75.) Even if it's cold and gloomy outside.
76.) Your day became sad and depressing when your friends called Michael a "weirdo".
77.) Even if it's bright and sunny outside.
78.) You've shunned your hater friends, then purposely blasted Tabloid Junkie in their face.
79.) You can no longer defend yourself from saying your not obsessed with Michael. (By Nafisa Shoge)
80.) You purposely blast Michael Jackson through your earphones on the bus to remind others sitting close by of MJ's greatness.
81.) You think about how you can fit Michael Jackson into your school work (Or work place)
82.) You ask your friends to go request a song to the DJ and they no longer ask you who's song do you want to hear.
83.) Your friends buy your Michael merchandise for your birthday.
84.) Without you reminding them.
85.) You know how to autograph Michael's name.
86.) You add the little star at the end of your signature.
87.) You've signed a million petitions for Michael to win the Nobel Peace prize, humanitarian awards, music awards, etc.
88.) You have sent hundreds of hate mail to Martin Bashir.
89.) You have sent death threats to Martin Bashir.
90.) You have hugged/kissed your husband/boyfriend, closed your eyes, and imagined that they're Michael.
91.) Your obsession becomes a disease.
92.) Even though it's a VERY good disease.
93.) You have dreamed of Michael
94.) You decided that michael can beat up Edward Cullen anyday because he's so much better, but you also know that he won't and instead will just say "I love you more."
95.) You have gotten annoyed when people misspell Michael's name. For example "micheal"
96.) You freaked at your friend for calling him "Jacko".
97.) You freaked on the tabloids/magazines for calling him "Jacko."
98.) You wanted to organize a tabloid burning within your community.
99.) You HAVE organized a tabloid burning within your community.
100.) Most of your facebook notes are about/to promote/mentions Michael Jackson.
101.) You're reading this list.
102.) You just laughed at the previous statement because it's true. Why else would you be reading a boring old list?
103.) You couldn't come to the phone/talk on msn because you're watching Michael Jackson videos/ staring intently at MJ pictures.
104.) You freak anytime something Michael Jackson related pops up in movies/TV shows/books.
Example: Everybody Hates Chris. That show is filled with Michael Jackson related things. Which is why I watch it all the time. >.<
105.) You STILL plan on marrying him, even though he died. (By Valerie Mj Moran)
106.) Michael's the only artist who you can enjoy every and any song they sing/wrote.
107.) Michael is the only person who you can enjoy every and anything they do.
108.) You paid to see a movie, just so you can sit and cheer loudly when the This is It trailer came on before the feature film.
109.) You can relate everything somehow to Michael (By Hannah Green)
110.) People start to tell you, I saw/heard something about Michael Jackson and I thought of you! (By Elaine Mañana)
111.) You have edited a photo so it seems like you're hugging/kissing Michael.
112.) You have contemplated writing a book, just so you can dedicate it to Michael.
113.) When you sign up for an online account and enter your last name in as Jackson. (By Lisa Jackson)
114.) Your catchphrase became WWMD. (What Would Michael Do?)
115.) You have lost and gained friends because of Michael. (By Nafisa Shoge)
116.) You put your iPod on shuffle but it still skips to the Michael Jackson songs because you have so many. (By Hannah Green)
117.) You know EXACTLY what music video/interview/really any video of Michael is just by a vague description.
Example: "I LOVE the cereal one, it's so funny." "Nahh, I think I like the pie fight better." "Super soakers FTW!"
118.) You celebrated when you have finally converted a friend.
119.) You see a little kid at the bus stop who reminded you of Michael as a kid, and you just kept staring at them until they moved away while giving you a weird look.
120.) Your non-Michael fan friends all walk away from you anytime you're on the verge of a Michael rant.
121.) You spent your day, contemplating more ways you can be obsessed with Michael Jackson, then look forward to getting to a computer so you can tell the group.
122.) You have spent your day on YouTube, thumbing down MJ haters and giving them hateful responses.
123.) You know that Michael, does in fact, have a deep voice.
124.) And you know just how sexy that voice is.
125.) You go Kanye West when someone puts down Michael's "Invincible" album. (By Angela Bell)
126.) You hear Ignition by R Kelly and automatically think of Michael dancing in the car. (By Bethiiee Louise)
127.) You go into a store just BECAUSE MJ came on when you passed it and then walk out when the song is over. (By Emily May)
128.) You kiss a picture/poster of Michael before you go to bed every night.
129.) You have ridiculously high standards for men. ie. If you're not MJ, you have no chance.
130.) When someone insults MJ, you feel like they've just personally insulted you.
131.) You spent the entire class doodling Michael lyrics on looseleaf.
132.) You normally can't tolerate your parents but Michael Jackson is your only shared interest.
133.) And if your parents aren't Michael fans, you try to convert them.
134.) You feel insulted if someone likes another artist better than Michael.
135.) You start quoting MJ's lyrics everywhere (By Taru Lindell)
136.) Your screensaver is Michael Jackson
137.) You look at his outfits and think how you could adapt them to your wardrobe. (By Jaimi Gourzelas)
138.) You get mad at fellow female fans because MICHAEL IS YOURS.
139.) You've had Michael hallucinations.
140.) You got mad when those hallucinations went away.
141.) You WISH that you could have Michael hallucinations so you can "see" him and "talk" to him.
142.) Whenever you hear a beat playing and you can't tell what song it is yet, you always try to relate it to a MJ song.
143.) You watched this is it more than once in the week it was released. (By Anneline Chapman)
144.) You refer to MJ in the present tense.
E.g. MJ 'is' a artist....NOT MJ 'was' a artist. (By Anum Deehan)
145.) You keep telling everyone how Michael is not dead, just busy and he'll be coming back. (By Andrea Armstrong)
146.) You can no longer watch Peter Pan the way you used to. Because now, it just makes you cry.
147.) You feel guilty not being able to go see This it it in theater everynight. (By Carine B. Jackson)
148.) You're listening to other artists and feel like you're cheating on Michael. (By Taru Lindell)
149.) You often give significant thought as to what he was like in bed. And you develop a loathing for Lisa Marie Presley because she knows. (By Tree Simms-Jackson)
150.) Every time you hear a car beep it's horn you think of She Drives Me Wild. (By Amber Hatch)
151.) Whenever you see MJ, either on a picture, ...on tv, or in a magazine, you can no longer coherently express how you feel so resort simply to 'ughhhhhhhhhh'. (By Amber Hatch)
152.) Instead of doing your homework, you instead have a meaningful conversation on a Michael fan forum about his undies, how good he was in bed and how BIG he was.
153.) You took the 23.6cm given and ran to a converter to find out how many inches that was.
154.) You just did that and have just gotten a nosebleed.
155.) Someone asks "why..why??" and you will say "if they say why why..tell them that is human nature.." (By Analeigh Jackson)
156.) Someone walking past you mentions "Michael Jackson...." and you will follow the person until you have heard what that person says about Michael. (Analeigh Jackson)
157.) You begin every conversation with..."Well, Michael Jackson always said..." (By Loretta Mallory)
158.) You're fitting clothes in a store and a MJ song comes on, you immediately decide to buy it because it cannot be coincidence. (By Bianca van Dam)
159.) You have a freak out because you think your hair line looks about like his. (By Shaugnie Rushton)
160.) You decide to be buried in a wedding dress just waiting for Michael to take your hand. (By Angela Bell)
161.) You hear someone say Michael and try to join in ther conversation only to realize that there are other people named Michael (By Kristen Larson)
162.) you start suffering from withdrawal symptoms if you aren't allowed to mention him or anything related to him. (By Valerie Mj Moran)
163.) you are walking along when its raining, you have to put Stranger in Moscow on your ipod, so you can pretend your michael for five minutes! (By Shaugnie Rushton)
164.) you're in denial and continue to dream of meeting him. (By Sundra Brooks)
165.) You know the difference between a Trilby and a Fedora.
166.) You start noticing that everything in your life has or is related to Michael Jackson. (By Bea Venezuela)
167.) In the closet is a VERY SPECIAL video to you. (By Anum Deehan)
168.) You answer phone calls, and instead of "hello" you will go "who is it? Is it a friend of mine?" (By Analeigh Jackson)
169.) You wake up thinking about Michael Jackson, you go to bed thinking about Michael Jackson and your thoughts throughout the day are pretty much dominated by Michael Jackson. (By Tree Simms-Jackson)
170.) You hear the word "supersoaker", and the first thing that comes to mind is MJ. (By Valerie Mj Moran)
171.) when you hate seeing 1958-2009; it SHOULD BE 1958 -forevsss (By Shyamali Abraham)
172.) When you have or are planning on getting a personalized liscense plate related to him. I.E. MJ4EVER (By Kelsi Jackson)
173.) Your mom tells you to "walk away" from all the MJ stuff, but you don't hear the rest of what she's saying because you have "Don't Walk Away" in your head. (By Elaine Mañana)
174.) You look at somebody like they're stupid because they asked you to name your favorite Michael Jackson song. I mean, what are they gonna ask next? What's your favorite limb? The best breath you ever took? (By Tree Simms-Jackson)
175.) Your pets respond to the name "Michael". (By Naomi Smith)
176.) You give someone your number and they tell you they've saved your number as "MJ" (By Anika Moeen J)
177.) You saved your best friend's number as "Michael Jackson" just so you can squeal silently whenever they text you.
178.) You are reading other people's obsessions for MJ and they all sound normal, and in fact, you feel like you're soulmates with everyone in here. (By Kim Schlaht)
179.) Your facebook picture is a picture of MJ and you refuse to take it down no matter how much your family and friends complain. They know what you look like. (By Kemi Akinribido)
180.) your friend texts you to let you know that "Man in the Mirror" is playing on the grocery store's speakers. (By Elaine Mañana)
181.) you have an mj song as your ringtone so when someone calls you, you first listen to the song and then answer. (By Anneline Chapman)
182.) You get jealous of all of the attention that mic stand got in Dirty Diana, and have dreams of trading places with it. (By Rae Jackson)
183.) You see a huge bug on your kitchen floor and immediately Michael's voice pops into your head: "But don't kill it!!" (By Elaine Mañana)
184.) You've decided to start calling your friends that are named Michael by their last name because they will never live up to that first name. (By Kelsi Jackson)
185.) Your friends ask you what you want for Christmas and you say "Anything MJ related." (By Bea Venezuela)
186.) You do your english exam on MJ and in your plan you realize you have too many points to fit in to write in the essay. (By Anum Deehan)
187.) You hear a sexy song on the radio you think about how you could make a video to it using MJ images and video footage. (By DirtyDianna Jackson)
188.) You wanna reply to an MJ hater's uneducated comment,but you'll be the bigger person if don't go and rant. (By Olivia Marcia Nunn)
189.) You keep coming back to this page to see if there are any new points. (By Krystal Harris)
190.) Your family thinks you're retarded for paying more money to go see This Is It again. (By Krystal Harris)
191.) All of your warm and cozy sweaters are named Michael. (By Angela Bell)
192.) All you have to do in gym to get your heart rate is up is think of Michael in those tight gold pants. (By Kelsi Moonwalk Jackson)
193.) You really REALLY like the song "Break of Dawn (By Kelsi Moonwalk Jackson)
194.) your mouth is wide open ( and stays like this for hours ) in front of michael's GOLD PANTS picture (By Già Patti Mj)
195.) Come on is replaced by shamone (By Marinela Jackson)
196.) you meet someone named Annie you say, "OMG, Annie you're OK! We were so worried!" and you crack up laughing. (By Kemi Akinribido)
197.) you start saying random things like " im bad" or "the girl is dangerous" or "is it scary" (By Hibah Jackson)
198.) You dont leave the house wihout a picture of him. (By Hibah Jackson)
199.) Every song about loving someone reminds you of michael. (By Hibah Jackson)
200.) The first thing you do after coming home from work is checking this page. (By Vicky Nt)
201.) You immediately don't trust anyone named Diana, Susie, or Billie Jean (By Kemi Akinribido)
202.) People ask you how do you feel now that he's gone you angily say, "He isn't gone, he is on a temporary vacation on a secret island and will be back to suprise us all." (By Kemi Akinribido)
203.) You draw on your eyebrows so they look like MJs then relise that they'd never look like his because everything about him is perfect (By Paula Andee Zhao)
204.) Triangles remind you of Michael's Thriller Jacket. (By Paula Andee Zhao)
205.) You get blissfully giddy whenever you have to use tape, because then it gives you an excuse to put it on your fingers, pout your lips, and shout, "hee hee!" (By Aimee Norden)
206.) Pasted a picture of Michael Jackson on your Cheerios box and renamed them Michael-O's. And feel much more content eating them. (By Aimee Norden)
207.) You Have or are seriously considering getting a Tattoo of Michael (By Aimee Norden)
208.)Every song about losing someone or someone changing your life, you think of MJ (By Micah Billie-Jean Pender)
209.) Your house gets robbed and the first thing you wonder is if your MJ merchandise got stolen. (By Anika Moeen J)
210.) Christmas this year won't be the same.
211.) you can be talking about a completely different subject and it ends with MJ! (By Fatima Ojeerally)
212.) Your entire room is outfitted in all things Michael Jackson. (By Angela Bell)
213.) You ALWAYS do some sort of MJ dance move in every song you have danced to even if it is so un-MJ related. (By Anum Deehan)
214.) You pay $300 for the Michael Jackson Opus Book
215.) Your family wants to stage an intervention-- and they're not joking.
216.) You buy all the vinyl versions of his albums even though you can't play them. Staring at them and holding/stroking them is good enough!
217.) Your teacher says the word dangerous, and you giggle and ask her to repeat the sentence... 'I said it's dan-' 'DANGEROUS, THAT GIRL IS SO DANGEROUS, HEEHEE!' '...Go and sit down Laura.'
218.) you're supposed to be doing homework and end up watching michael videos on youtube
219.) You are obsessed with this page and every thing in it.
220.) You can't stop liking everything posted on this page because you relate to other obsessed fans
221.) You think about him, you think in present tense and when somebody reminds you hes gone you get sad all over again, but realize hes in heaven.
222.) After you get your nephews obsessed with Michael, they get their kindergarten teachers to blast his music at play time .
223.) The word "SEXY" means Michael to you.
224.) Michael is your anti depressant
225.) You really , I mean really hate TMZ for their disrespect To our Angel.
226.) Someone, anyone, can say one word, any word, and you can somehow relate it to Michael
227.) Your friend says "I love to tour" and it immediately reminds you of Michael's home video on touring
229.) You almost faint when u see Michael thrust his hips up and down and pass out seeing him whine.
230.) You become jealous of a person with the surname 'Jackson' and think wow they are fortunate.
231.) You cant help but hyperventilate whenever Michael smiles.
232.) You're so obsessed that you're jealous of...Debbie Rowe?!?
233.) You're in KFC and Ignition Remix is playing on the radio and the people you're with don't understand why it's SO EXCITING
234.) You are starting to pronounce things like him and talk like him without even thinking about it.
235.) You wish you were spencer malnik so you could be prince, and paris's best friend.
236.) You wish there was a movie theater for just MJ fans and they would play This Is It, The Wiz, and Moonwalker! And his videos and just everything Michael
237.) You won't answer you cellphone because you want to hear the Michael Jackson ringtone.
238.) You tell someone The word "Jacko" is blasphamey when they call him that.
239.) you're at a bookstore and your looking for mj books and you see one that says "JACKO" and you take the book and throw it across the floor then hide it so nobody buys that crap.
240.) You accept a friend request on Facebook, even if you don't personally know them, because you know it's gonna be an MJ fan
241.) You seem to get awesome basket ball skills when listening to JAM!
242.) You've become an insomniac since June 25, 2009.
243.) You're in love with Annie He because she created this amazing group. *wink wink nudge nudge* Okay fine. Annie wrote this. But you know y'all love me.
244.) You get super excited when you find out one of the artists/performers you like were inspired by Michael and have great love for him.
245.) You scroll down this page and
keep seeing your icon pic.
246.) You try your best to explain your love for Michael but there just aren't enough good words to describe it.
247.) You constantly talk to him throughout the day as if he's really right there with you. Because he is.
248.) "I love you MORE" has become your thing just like it's Michael's
249.) Some things that people put on this page bring you to tears. and makes you feel like 'you are not alone'
250.) August 29th should be a legal national school holiday (at least for those who are in school Aug. 29th)
251.) One of your errors on your writing test was spelling "love" like "l.o.v.e"
252.) You want to have Mike's babies
253.) You wanna find a piece of land so you can turn it to a country called MichaelLand with his logo as the flag, and only MJ fans can migrate/visit it, it will be based on L.O.V.E and the national holiday will be Aug 29th with tabloid burning- the school curriculum will replace Music lesson with MJ Lesson and PE is to include MJ dance moves as well. Our soldiers will wear glittery gloves and socks and a fedora hat (though there never will be violence, just too look nice)
254.) MJ is a VERY sensitive topic for you
Take the time to read them and remember to LAUGH OUT LOUD! It will make you feel SO MUCH BETTER!
From Norma:
I contributed some...don't know if she will use them...
You know you're obsessed w/ Michael Jackson when...
-you haven't cleaned your house in 10 months because you can't pull yourself away from all things Michael...
-when... you clean out your closet and drawers to give to charity and Mike whispers in your ear...GIVE MORE... and you end up going buck nekked ...
-when... you can name his song after just ONE line ...
-when... Michaeling should be put in the dictionary...
-when... You sing one of his songs at the top of your lungs and you don't have any rythem what so ever...
-when you date a guy just because his name is Mike
-and when... you have over 500 pictures on your screensaver and you sit and just stare at them as they come up... even tho you have seen them a 100 times... I miss him
This is Mal's contribution...
- when you always pick the MJ character when playing Wii
1.) You join a million groups like this
2.) You shriek whenever you meet another fan.
3.) Another celeb is wearing an outfit, you think about how MJ would look ten times more fierce in it.
4.) You can't listen to anyone else because it just sounds worse
5.) You spend your time talking online to other fans instead of your real life, non-fan friends
6.) You grab any newspaper/magazine that has his face on the cover
7.) Try to sneak him into every conversation topic your having with someone
8.) Stay up till 12am, even though you have a job/school watching Michael Jackson on youtube.
9.) You rewind to the parts in his videos where he smiles and watch it again...and again...and again.
10.) You listen to the beginning of IJCSLY over and over and pretend he's whispering in your ear
11.) You know what IJCSLY stands for
12.) Went into a sorta semi-depression when he died
13.) You love all his cheesy outfits in the early days,even though they'd look horrible on anyone else
14.) You named your baby boy Michael (Or is planning to)
15.) Because you didn't have a boy, you named your baby girl Michael. (She won't be happy when she grows up.)
16.) You annoy the heck out of your boyfriend/husband because you keep going on about how amazing and hot MJ is
17.) You TRY to copy his dance moves
18.) Even if you can't dance
19.) You call your radio station a million times to request Michael Jackson songs
20.) You've listened to EVERY album at least a million times
21.) You find yourself gazing into his eyes...on the poster in your bedroom
22.) You make a mini shrine of MJ
23.) You spaz on anyone who says anything negative about him, then launch into a gigantic rant with EVERY FACT that ever existed
24.) You try and force your friends to become obsessed with Michael Jackson
25.) He is your ideal boyfriend
26.) You pray to Michael.
27.) You & your MJ family have your own special lingo that only you understand;
"Golden Glory"
"MJ Sister"
"Tag Me"
"Keep Michaeling"
"MJ Dreaming"
(I especially thank Nicole Charrison for this one. I ROFLed)
28.) Everytime you go to the store your eyes are looking around frantically for Michael merchandise. (By Tina Pyt Greaves)
29.) Your computer crashed with 10 gigabytes worth of Michael pictures and videos
30.) Instead of writing History,you write HIStory.
31.) You know every hee-hee and every pow and shamone's in every song.
32.) You have spent your weekend on YouTube watching those adorable Michael Moments
33.) 99% of your 86 notifications include, ______ has commented on a photo of you, you check the comment and it's of an MJ pic.
34.) You basically only have Twitter/Facebook to promote Michael Jackson
35.) You talk to the Michael posters in your room
36.) You know which album every song comes from, what year it came out, the awards it's won and EVERY WORD of the songs.
37.) Your heart skips a beat every time you see the word "Michael"
38.) You may also faint
39.) Or shriek very loudly
40.) Your worst enemy becomes a Michael fan. All of a sudden, you're best friends.
41.) You fell into a trance, listening to Planet Earth.
42.) You bought the This is It CD, even if it's just a bunch of songs on CDs you already own.
43.) You preach to others about the wonderfulness of MJ.
44.) Even if they're strangers.
45.) You swooned looking at GOLD PANTS.
46.) You swooned talking about GOLD PANTS.
47.) Your friend stubs her toe, shrieking OWWW. You add the "hee-hee" before you ask her if she's okay.
48.) You have moonwalked around the house.
49.) You have tripped or fallen over something while moonwalking around the house.
50.) You scoff at the MJ imitators because you know there can never be the same angel again.
51.) You drew numerous pictures of MJ
52.) Even though you can't draw
53.) For class, you were asked to research an important figure in history, you picked Michael Jackson.
54.) And even though the minimum amount was 2 pages, you presented your teacher with a novel.
55.) You curled your hair
56.) Then decided you looked lame because no one can defeat Michael's hair.
57.) You have framed pictures of Michael.
58.) You have wall murals of Michael.
59.) You wanted to steal the cardboard cutout of Michael that sits in movie theater lobbies for This is It.
60.) You HAVE stolen the cardboard cutout of Michael from your local movie theater lobby.
61.) You became jealous of Lisa Marie Presley.
62.) Or Debbie Rowe.
63.) You know that Michael does not, in fact, stuff socks in his pants.
64.) You celebrate his birthday...EVERY MONTH.
65.) Your parties have been MJ themed.
66.) You know how to do the Thriller dance.
67.) You now associate water balloons and super soakers with Michael.
68.) You laughed at the DWTS dance tribute because they just can't pull a Michael.
69.) You understand that Michael, and only Michael, can look ridiculously hot doing the crotch grab.
70.) and everyone else just looks silly.
71.) You're ready to stand beside Michael, no matter how much your friends and others laugh at you.
72.) You wonder why Michael Jackson isn't trending on Twitter.
73.) Then you try to trend it.
74.) Your day became bright and cheerful when Michael Jackson played on the radio first thing in the morning.
75.) Even if it's cold and gloomy outside.
76.) Your day became sad and depressing when your friends called Michael a "weirdo".
77.) Even if it's bright and sunny outside.
78.) You've shunned your hater friends, then purposely blasted Tabloid Junkie in their face.
79.) You can no longer defend yourself from saying your not obsessed with Michael. (By Nafisa Shoge)
80.) You purposely blast Michael Jackson through your earphones on the bus to remind others sitting close by of MJ's greatness.
81.) You think about how you can fit Michael Jackson into your school work (Or work place)
82.) You ask your friends to go request a song to the DJ and they no longer ask you who's song do you want to hear.
83.) Your friends buy your Michael merchandise for your birthday.
84.) Without you reminding them.
85.) You know how to autograph Michael's name.
86.) You add the little star at the end of your signature.
87.) You've signed a million petitions for Michael to win the Nobel Peace prize, humanitarian awards, music awards, etc.
88.) You have sent hundreds of hate mail to Martin Bashir.
89.) You have sent death threats to Martin Bashir.
90.) You have hugged/kissed your husband/boyfriend, closed your eyes, and imagined that they're Michael.
91.) Your obsession becomes a disease.
92.) Even though it's a VERY good disease.
93.) You have dreamed of Michael
94.) You decided that michael can beat up Edward Cullen anyday because he's so much better, but you also know that he won't and instead will just say "I love you more."
95.) You have gotten annoyed when people misspell Michael's name. For example "micheal"
96.) You freaked at your friend for calling him "Jacko".
97.) You freaked on the tabloids/magazines for calling him "Jacko."
98.) You wanted to organize a tabloid burning within your community.
99.) You HAVE organized a tabloid burning within your community.
100.) Most of your facebook notes are about/to promote/mentions Michael Jackson.
101.) You're reading this list.
102.) You just laughed at the previous statement because it's true. Why else would you be reading a boring old list?
103.) You couldn't come to the phone/talk on msn because you're watching Michael Jackson videos/ staring intently at MJ pictures.
104.) You freak anytime something Michael Jackson related pops up in movies/TV shows/books.
Example: Everybody Hates Chris. That show is filled with Michael Jackson related things. Which is why I watch it all the time. >.<
105.) You STILL plan on marrying him, even though he died. (By Valerie Mj Moran)
106.) Michael's the only artist who you can enjoy every and any song they sing/wrote.
107.) Michael is the only person who you can enjoy every and anything they do.
108.) You paid to see a movie, just so you can sit and cheer loudly when the This is It trailer came on before the feature film.
109.) You can relate everything somehow to Michael (By Hannah Green)
110.) People start to tell you, I saw/heard something about Michael Jackson and I thought of you! (By Elaine Mañana)
111.) You have edited a photo so it seems like you're hugging/kissing Michael.
112.) You have contemplated writing a book, just so you can dedicate it to Michael.
113.) When you sign up for an online account and enter your last name in as Jackson. (By Lisa Jackson)
114.) Your catchphrase became WWMD. (What Would Michael Do?)
115.) You have lost and gained friends because of Michael. (By Nafisa Shoge)
116.) You put your iPod on shuffle but it still skips to the Michael Jackson songs because you have so many. (By Hannah Green)
117.) You know EXACTLY what music video/interview/really any video of Michael is just by a vague description.
Example: "I LOVE the cereal one, it's so funny." "Nahh, I think I like the pie fight better." "Super soakers FTW!"
118.) You celebrated when you have finally converted a friend.
119.) You see a little kid at the bus stop who reminded you of Michael as a kid, and you just kept staring at them until they moved away while giving you a weird look.
120.) Your non-Michael fan friends all walk away from you anytime you're on the verge of a Michael rant.
121.) You spent your day, contemplating more ways you can be obsessed with Michael Jackson, then look forward to getting to a computer so you can tell the group.
122.) You have spent your day on YouTube, thumbing down MJ haters and giving them hateful responses.
123.) You know that Michael, does in fact, have a deep voice.
124.) And you know just how sexy that voice is.
125.) You go Kanye West when someone puts down Michael's "Invincible" album. (By Angela Bell)
126.) You hear Ignition by R Kelly and automatically think of Michael dancing in the car. (By Bethiiee Louise)
127.) You go into a store just BECAUSE MJ came on when you passed it and then walk out when the song is over. (By Emily May)
128.) You kiss a picture/poster of Michael before you go to bed every night.
129.) You have ridiculously high standards for men. ie. If you're not MJ, you have no chance.
130.) When someone insults MJ, you feel like they've just personally insulted you.
131.) You spent the entire class doodling Michael lyrics on looseleaf.
132.) You normally can't tolerate your parents but Michael Jackson is your only shared interest.
133.) And if your parents aren't Michael fans, you try to convert them.
134.) You feel insulted if someone likes another artist better than Michael.
135.) You start quoting MJ's lyrics everywhere (By Taru Lindell)
136.) Your screensaver is Michael Jackson
137.) You look at his outfits and think how you could adapt them to your wardrobe. (By Jaimi Gourzelas)
138.) You get mad at fellow female fans because MICHAEL IS YOURS.
139.) You've had Michael hallucinations.
140.) You got mad when those hallucinations went away.
141.) You WISH that you could have Michael hallucinations so you can "see" him and "talk" to him.
142.) Whenever you hear a beat playing and you can't tell what song it is yet, you always try to relate it to a MJ song.
143.) You watched this is it more than once in the week it was released. (By Anneline Chapman)
144.) You refer to MJ in the present tense.
E.g. MJ 'is' a artist....NOT MJ 'was' a artist. (By Anum Deehan)
145.) You keep telling everyone how Michael is not dead, just busy and he'll be coming back. (By Andrea Armstrong)
146.) You can no longer watch Peter Pan the way you used to. Because now, it just makes you cry.
147.) You feel guilty not being able to go see This it it in theater everynight. (By Carine B. Jackson)
148.) You're listening to other artists and feel like you're cheating on Michael. (By Taru Lindell)
149.) You often give significant thought as to what he was like in bed. And you develop a loathing for Lisa Marie Presley because she knows. (By Tree Simms-Jackson)
150.) Every time you hear a car beep it's horn you think of She Drives Me Wild. (By Amber Hatch)
151.) Whenever you see MJ, either on a picture, ...on tv, or in a magazine, you can no longer coherently express how you feel so resort simply to 'ughhhhhhhhhh'. (By Amber Hatch)
152.) Instead of doing your homework, you instead have a meaningful conversation on a Michael fan forum about his undies, how good he was in bed and how BIG he was.
153.) You took the 23.6cm given and ran to a converter to find out how many inches that was.
154.) You just did that and have just gotten a nosebleed.
155.) Someone asks "why..why??" and you will say "if they say why why..tell them that is human nature.." (By Analeigh Jackson)
156.) Someone walking past you mentions "Michael Jackson...." and you will follow the person until you have heard what that person says about Michael. (Analeigh Jackson)
157.) You begin every conversation with..."Well, Michael Jackson always said..." (By Loretta Mallory)
158.) You're fitting clothes in a store and a MJ song comes on, you immediately decide to buy it because it cannot be coincidence. (By Bianca van Dam)
159.) You have a freak out because you think your hair line looks about like his. (By Shaugnie Rushton)
160.) You decide to be buried in a wedding dress just waiting for Michael to take your hand. (By Angela Bell)
161.) You hear someone say Michael and try to join in ther conversation only to realize that there are other people named Michael (By Kristen Larson)
162.) you start suffering from withdrawal symptoms if you aren't allowed to mention him or anything related to him. (By Valerie Mj Moran)
163.) you are walking along when its raining, you have to put Stranger in Moscow on your ipod, so you can pretend your michael for five minutes! (By Shaugnie Rushton)
164.) you're in denial and continue to dream of meeting him. (By Sundra Brooks)
165.) You know the difference between a Trilby and a Fedora.
166.) You start noticing that everything in your life has or is related to Michael Jackson. (By Bea Venezuela)
167.) In the closet is a VERY SPECIAL video to you. (By Anum Deehan)
168.) You answer phone calls, and instead of "hello" you will go "who is it? Is it a friend of mine?" (By Analeigh Jackson)
169.) You wake up thinking about Michael Jackson, you go to bed thinking about Michael Jackson and your thoughts throughout the day are pretty much dominated by Michael Jackson. (By Tree Simms-Jackson)
170.) You hear the word "supersoaker", and the first thing that comes to mind is MJ. (By Valerie Mj Moran)
171.) when you hate seeing 1958-2009; it SHOULD BE 1958 -forevsss (By Shyamali Abraham)
172.) When you have or are planning on getting a personalized liscense plate related to him. I.E. MJ4EVER (By Kelsi Jackson)
173.) Your mom tells you to "walk away" from all the MJ stuff, but you don't hear the rest of what she's saying because you have "Don't Walk Away" in your head. (By Elaine Mañana)
174.) You look at somebody like they're stupid because they asked you to name your favorite Michael Jackson song. I mean, what are they gonna ask next? What's your favorite limb? The best breath you ever took? (By Tree Simms-Jackson)
175.) Your pets respond to the name "Michael". (By Naomi Smith)
176.) You give someone your number and they tell you they've saved your number as "MJ" (By Anika Moeen J)
177.) You saved your best friend's number as "Michael Jackson" just so you can squeal silently whenever they text you.
178.) You are reading other people's obsessions for MJ and they all sound normal, and in fact, you feel like you're soulmates with everyone in here. (By Kim Schlaht)
179.) Your facebook picture is a picture of MJ and you refuse to take it down no matter how much your family and friends complain. They know what you look like. (By Kemi Akinribido)
180.) your friend texts you to let you know that "Man in the Mirror" is playing on the grocery store's speakers. (By Elaine Mañana)
181.) you have an mj song as your ringtone so when someone calls you, you first listen to the song and then answer. (By Anneline Chapman)
182.) You get jealous of all of the attention that mic stand got in Dirty Diana, and have dreams of trading places with it. (By Rae Jackson)
183.) You see a huge bug on your kitchen floor and immediately Michael's voice pops into your head: "But don't kill it!!" (By Elaine Mañana)
184.) You've decided to start calling your friends that are named Michael by their last name because they will never live up to that first name. (By Kelsi Jackson)
185.) Your friends ask you what you want for Christmas and you say "Anything MJ related." (By Bea Venezuela)
186.) You do your english exam on MJ and in your plan you realize you have too many points to fit in to write in the essay. (By Anum Deehan)
187.) You hear a sexy song on the radio you think about how you could make a video to it using MJ images and video footage. (By DirtyDianna Jackson)
188.) You wanna reply to an MJ hater's uneducated comment,but you'll be the bigger person if don't go and rant. (By Olivia Marcia Nunn)
189.) You keep coming back to this page to see if there are any new points. (By Krystal Harris)
190.) Your family thinks you're retarded for paying more money to go see This Is It again. (By Krystal Harris)
191.) All of your warm and cozy sweaters are named Michael. (By Angela Bell)
192.) All you have to do in gym to get your heart rate is up is think of Michael in those tight gold pants. (By Kelsi Moonwalk Jackson)
193.) You really REALLY like the song "Break of Dawn (By Kelsi Moonwalk Jackson)
194.) your mouth is wide open ( and stays like this for hours ) in front of michael's GOLD PANTS picture (By Già Patti Mj)
195.) Come on is replaced by shamone (By Marinela Jackson)
196.) you meet someone named Annie you say, "OMG, Annie you're OK! We were so worried!" and you crack up laughing. (By Kemi Akinribido)
197.) you start saying random things like " im bad" or "the girl is dangerous" or "is it scary" (By Hibah Jackson)
198.) You dont leave the house wihout a picture of him. (By Hibah Jackson)
199.) Every song about loving someone reminds you of michael. (By Hibah Jackson)
200.) The first thing you do after coming home from work is checking this page. (By Vicky Nt)
201.) You immediately don't trust anyone named Diana, Susie, or Billie Jean (By Kemi Akinribido)
202.) People ask you how do you feel now that he's gone you angily say, "He isn't gone, he is on a temporary vacation on a secret island and will be back to suprise us all." (By Kemi Akinribido)
203.) You draw on your eyebrows so they look like MJs then relise that they'd never look like his because everything about him is perfect (By Paula Andee Zhao)
204.) Triangles remind you of Michael's Thriller Jacket. (By Paula Andee Zhao)
205.) You get blissfully giddy whenever you have to use tape, because then it gives you an excuse to put it on your fingers, pout your lips, and shout, "hee hee!" (By Aimee Norden)
206.) Pasted a picture of Michael Jackson on your Cheerios box and renamed them Michael-O's. And feel much more content eating them. (By Aimee Norden)
207.) You Have or are seriously considering getting a Tattoo of Michael (By Aimee Norden)
208.)Every song about losing someone or someone changing your life, you think of MJ (By Micah Billie-Jean Pender)
209.) Your house gets robbed and the first thing you wonder is if your MJ merchandise got stolen. (By Anika Moeen J)
210.) Christmas this year won't be the same.
211.) you can be talking about a completely different subject and it ends with MJ! (By Fatima Ojeerally)
212.) Your entire room is outfitted in all things Michael Jackson. (By Angela Bell)
213.) You ALWAYS do some sort of MJ dance move in every song you have danced to even if it is so un-MJ related. (By Anum Deehan)
214.) You pay $300 for the Michael Jackson Opus Book
215.) Your family wants to stage an intervention-- and they're not joking.
216.) You buy all the vinyl versions of his albums even though you can't play them. Staring at them and holding/stroking them is good enough!
217.) Your teacher says the word dangerous, and you giggle and ask her to repeat the sentence... 'I said it's dan-' 'DANGEROUS, THAT GIRL IS SO DANGEROUS, HEEHEE!' '...Go and sit down Laura.'
218.) you're supposed to be doing homework and end up watching michael videos on youtube
219.) You are obsessed with this page and every thing in it.
220.) You can't stop liking everything posted on this page because you relate to other obsessed fans
221.) You think about him, you think in present tense and when somebody reminds you hes gone you get sad all over again, but realize hes in heaven.
222.) After you get your nephews obsessed with Michael, they get their kindergarten teachers to blast his music at play time .
223.) The word "SEXY" means Michael to you.
224.) Michael is your anti depressant
225.) You really , I mean really hate TMZ for their disrespect To our Angel.
226.) Someone, anyone, can say one word, any word, and you can somehow relate it to Michael
227.) Your friend says "I love to tour" and it immediately reminds you of Michael's home video on touring
229.) You almost faint when u see Michael thrust his hips up and down and pass out seeing him whine.
230.) You become jealous of a person with the surname 'Jackson' and think wow they are fortunate.
231.) You cant help but hyperventilate whenever Michael smiles.
232.) You're so obsessed that you're jealous of...Debbie Rowe?!?
233.) You're in KFC and Ignition Remix is playing on the radio and the people you're with don't understand why it's SO EXCITING
234.) You are starting to pronounce things like him and talk like him without even thinking about it.
235.) You wish you were spencer malnik so you could be prince, and paris's best friend.
236.) You wish there was a movie theater for just MJ fans and they would play This Is It, The Wiz, and Moonwalker! And his videos and just everything Michael
237.) You won't answer you cellphone because you want to hear the Michael Jackson ringtone.
238.) You tell someone The word "Jacko" is blasphamey when they call him that.
239.) you're at a bookstore and your looking for mj books and you see one that says "JACKO" and you take the book and throw it across the floor then hide it so nobody buys that crap.
240.) You accept a friend request on Facebook, even if you don't personally know them, because you know it's gonna be an MJ fan
241.) You seem to get awesome basket ball skills when listening to JAM!
242.) You've become an insomniac since June 25, 2009.
243.) You're in love with Annie He because she created this amazing group. *wink wink nudge nudge* Okay fine. Annie wrote this. But you know y'all love me.
244.) You get super excited when you find out one of the artists/performers you like were inspired by Michael and have great love for him.
245.) You scroll down this page and
keep seeing your icon pic.
246.) You try your best to explain your love for Michael but there just aren't enough good words to describe it.
247.) You constantly talk to him throughout the day as if he's really right there with you. Because he is.
248.) "I love you MORE" has become your thing just like it's Michael's
249.) Some things that people put on this page bring you to tears. and makes you feel like 'you are not alone'
250.) August 29th should be a legal national school holiday (at least for those who are in school Aug. 29th)
251.) One of your errors on your writing test was spelling "love" like "l.o.v.e"
252.) You want to have Mike's babies
253.) You wanna find a piece of land so you can turn it to a country called MichaelLand with his logo as the flag, and only MJ fans can migrate/visit it, it will be based on L.O.V.E and the national holiday will be Aug 29th with tabloid burning- the school curriculum will replace Music lesson with MJ Lesson and PE is to include MJ dance moves as well. Our soldiers will wear glittery gloves and socks and a fedora hat (though there never will be violence, just too look nice)
254.) MJ is a VERY sensitive topic for you